Buoy Weather
Realtime and historical weather readings from over 800+ NDBC Buoys around the world.
Live Tide Chart
Press and hold to view predictions for a specific time and swipe the tide chart forward and backwards to explore different days.
Current Weather
View live weather conditions in the Weather Bar. Choose from over 12 different types of conditions to track.
Detailed Height Data
Explore specific height predicitions for any minute up to a year in advance.
Swell Conditions
Check the current swell height, period, and direction easily.
Powerful Watch App
A powerful watch app and full support for complications lets you track all conditions from your wrist. Offline support let's you leave worry at the port.
Glanceable Widgets
10-Day Forecast & Tides
View an overview of the upcoming 10-days. Compare the forecast with tides, solar, and lunar information.
Yearly Tide Tables
Explore tide times and heights for the upcoming 12 months. Tapping on a day let's you explore heights at a specific time.
Highly Customizable
Choose between different styles of tide tables. There are options with text forward designs, and others with more visual flair.